Introduction to Rigid Heddle Weaving (#50-002)

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Learn Rigid Heddle Weaving with Jo Skinner!

When: March 27, April 3 & 10 (Thursdays)
6:30 to 9:00pm each evening
Where: Silk Weaving Studio, Granville Island
Workshop Fee: 
 $295.00 + taxes and fees (Total $309.75)
Includes the use of an Ashford rigid heddle loom for the duration of your course, and most of your materials. You will also receive a limited time 10% off coupon for any Sanjo Silk yarns purchased in-store, or toward the purchase of a loom and accessories.
Registration opens Dec 16, 2024 @ 9am through Eventbrite
Maximum class size: 5 participants

Become a weaver! Learn to weave on the super-portable Ashford Knitter's Loom, using beautiful silk materials from Sanjo Silk. Learn in-person with other creative people in the inspirational setting of the Silk Weaving Studio!

What you'll learn:

  • the parts of the loom and how it works
  • weaving basics; the things that need attention so your work looks well-finished
  • how to wind a warp onto the loom and thread it in preparation for weaving
  • how to employ techniques for introducing texture to your work for decorative art-weaving
  • we'll also discuss some additional weave structures, as well as finishing your work when it comes off the loom.

This is a beginner course, suitable for those who have never woven. You'll have the use of the Ashford Knitter's Loom for the duration of your course, and until Dec 5, giving you time to finish some projects. Included is a collection of beautiful silk and silk-blend materials for experimenting, along with enough beautiful 50/50 Silk/Wool yarn for your warps.

Instructor: Sanjo Silk is delighted to have Jo Skinner back teaching weaving at the Silk Weaving Studio. Jo was a member of the SWS for 15 years, first as a weaver and then as a co-owner of Sanjo Silk Ltd. Jo wove her own innovative textiles and was part of the production for the SWS. Her enthusiasm and attention to detail are infectious.